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Posts posted by dgage

  1. I'm not looking for something handheld, I would fully understand having to use a solid base from which to take the scans. Though I do understand the bar is rather large and so I could see being able to get a couple of vantage points but not a large number and definitely not 90+ degrees. Does that change anything or are these cameras just not the right tool? Thanks.

    EDIT: I understand what you mean now by handheld as I just read about the Artec EVA, which looks like it would work great except for the price. Is there anything closer to the $5000 range that might do the job? Thanks.

  2. Question about one of these 3D scanners though I've specifically looking at the HP/David 3D Scan System. I work with home and car audio and one thing I'd like to do is 3D scans of a car's interior, specifically the A-pillar area at the top of the dash on each side. This is a popular place to put a small midrange speaker and tweeter, which I'd want to 3D print after scanning. My question relates to the HP/David fitting inside the car and being able to scan the entire corner of the dash/pillar/windshield area. It would also be nice to be able to 3D scan a trunk to make more accurate/easier panels via a CNC, which I already have. Any comments on whether the HP/David would work for this application or an alternative 3D scanner would be appreciated. Thanks.

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