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Posts posted by Foxi-5

  1. Hiya, I had this problem where my filament wasn't pushing through to the print head. However it worked happily if pushed by hand. The bowden tube became less slippery and was causing too much friction on the filament. I corrected the issue by squirting a small amount of machine oil down the tube, and the across the filament itself (just over the top). Now it runs flawlessly.

  2. Hi all,

    I've been printing happily for a long time now. No real dramas until today. The SD Card is stuck in the Ultimaker. Pushing on it will no longer release it.

    Does anyone know if there is a simple way to fix the unit? I've got some pliers handy for when the last print finishes in a few hours, to pull out the card.

    I'm a bit reluctant to stick sharp stabby things into the socket in case I rip something apart....

    Alas, the machine has been wonderful till a few minutes back.

    Many thanks for your responses. :)

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