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Posts posted by E2S

  1. If I'm messing with setting in Cura to get a print to come out right sometimes I'm only changing a few details between each attempt. However, those attempts may be days apart and I wind up having to write down all the tweaks and settings. Why can't I save the entire workspace that I'm using just prior to generating the Gcode files so I can open Cura later with those same settings and make additional tweaks?

    I realize I could save a new profile for each batch of setting but it does't save the model positioning so it's really only half the battle. If I am trying to figure out how anything I can squeeze onto a print tray or how best to position a large print I need to open that file back up separately and try and re-create the last position to know what the minor adjustment will be.

    I does't seem like it would be difficult to save a configuration file that could open the particular Cura profile I was working with, to include the tweaks and then grab the .stl file and position it correctly.

    Am I missing something or am I just the only one that has a need for this utility in the software?

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