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Posts posted by bartek

  1. Nope, im using nozzle 1mm in this case. Changed it using plugin "printer settings". Generally it's easier for me change just nozzle diameter than creating another profile just for nozzle diameter. 
    Since i have multiple of Neptune 4pro printers then Neptune 1 is just number of printer that i have 🙂

    Im trying get nice finish of bottom with 1mm nozzle. I'm just found solution. For infill i set inside line and infill for 0.6 and flow for about 80%. But this looks nice for layers at 0.3-0.4mm. 
    But i want to get very thick layers in about 0.7-0.8mm or even more - 1.2mm. Already got  volcano nozzle 1.5mm it was to long then shortened it on lathe. But tip of voclano nozzle is way shorter than neptune nozzle and must highly modify extruder. 
    Alrady ordered K1 Max hotend and will fit it to neptune. Then i will be able using nozzles with 1.5mm diameter.


  2. So here,s project file. .
    I refering that (at least in my case) cura generates strange layer that have many lines.
    First layer is ok:




    then second one generates like this:


    then third is normal again:



    in vase mode i've set bottom layers to 3. 

    But if set them to 4 then 4th layer is strange again:


    and that behavior is only in vase mode. 


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