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Posts posted by yackal

  1. Well those gaps are on the bottom layer.  Do they persist on every layer?  Probably not.  I think you just need to level the glass and nozzle closer together.  I don't know but does the prusa i3 have leveling screws or is it autoleveling.  If autoelveling then that really sucks.  I'm not a fan of autoleveling as you can get inconsistent results plus you have no control over the bottom layer and with this bottom layer so underextruded your parts are BARELY sticking and can easily get knocked off during a print.

    Yes they are on every layer. Thats the case. No theres no autoleveling only screws.

    It looks like there should be some overlap in top/bottom layer but as i remember cura doesnt have this option only infill to peremiter overlap.

    Maybe thats caused by old PLA? What do you think?

  2. Not sure about the freeze.  Is the extruder retracting during the freeze?  If so then try printing much slower - half the speed you were printing - actually try printing at 20mm/sec just to see how much better the quality is at the "freeze" spots.

    Also what is your: nozzle width, layer height, print speed, print temperature.  These 4 values interact and if you print too fast you will need to set the flow to 130% like you did.


    Thanks for your reply.

    Yes retaraction is on. Nozzle is 0.4, layer high is 0.1 print speed is 30mm/s and 20mm/s on uoter peremiter and the temperature is 205 and im printing with PLA.

    this is YODa which is quite good printed with those settings but as you can see there is still a little gap in peremiters.20170419_154844_001.thumb.jpg.0624042335d933e4c0d69581e1cd9370.jpg[/media]20170419_154834.thumb.jpg.0a2002cf4d2a3a5e5b414610bf4a2592.jpg





  3. Hi.

    My name is Greg. Im from poland and im on the very beggining of adventure with 3d printing.

    I do not own an ultimaker just a basic Prusa i3 that ive build on my own. I know that this is ultimaker forum but i thought i try asking you guys for advice.

    I have like 20 finnished prints with my printer and im pretty satisfied with the quality although i struggle with some problems using cura slicer.

    First when i use reccomended settings print quality is very good but i can see peremiters gap looking from above. The only way to reduce them is to set the flow to 130% which is quite a lot. Peremiters gap dissapear but print struggle tippical over extrution problems and support is really hard to disatache.

    Second problem is that when i3 is printing it freezes for a moment in one place and start printing again. this happen on every layer in same spots. It is visible on finished print where the heater freezed.

    Do you have any solution for my problem? I know thats not a lot of informations but feel free to ask questions and i will answer if i can.

    Sorry for my english.

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