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Posts posted by User17

  1. Hi

    I just tried to update my Cura from Version 15.06.03 to Cura 2.5.

    If I try to start Cura - nothing happens (double click on the app).

    I downloaded Cura 2.4 and tried to start.

    Cura starts very slowly. It has nothing to do with the slicing. Just orbiting the platform with the right button of the mouse. It has a lag of 0.5..1sec.

    I can not load a model, the platform is empty.

    In version 15 there are two processes:

    ps -ef | grep Cura

    /Volumes/Cura-15.06.03-Darwin/Cura.app/Contents/MacOS/Cura -psn_0_2175507

    /Volumes/Cura-15.06.03-Darwin/Cura.app/Contents/MacOS/CuraEngine -j /Volumes/Cura-15.06.03-Darwin/Cura.app/Contents/Resources/cura/resources/settings/fdmprinter.json -vv --connect

    For versions 2.4 there is only one process.


    I tried again with 2.5:

    I can start the GUI from the terminal. I get a lot of debug, finally showing an endless loop:

    2017-04-30 12:42:09,733 - DEBUG - CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [223]: Attempting to kill the engine process

    2017-04-30 12:42:09,736 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [209]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.

    2017-04-30 12:42:09,742 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._onSocketError [194]: Socket was unable to bind to port, increasing port number to 49706

    2017-04-30 12:42:09,847 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [209]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.

    2017-04-30 12:42:09,850 - DEBUG - CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [223]: Attempting to kill the engine process

    If I change CuraEngineBackend.py _createSocket and comment the line

    super()._createSocket(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(PluginRegistry.getInstance().getPluginPath(self.getPluginId()), "Cura.proto")))

    The GUI starts and I can orbit at normal speed. Of course I can't load a model and don't get GCode, it was just a test.

    The engine itself runs fine, I can start it from the terminal and get probably valid GCode:

    /Applications/Cura.app/Contents/MacOS/CuraEngine slice -j ../Contents/Resources/resources/definitions/ultimaker2.def.json -l test.stl

    What is wrong?

    Any hint/help appreciated


    PS Your robot test sucks!!!!!!

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