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Posts posted by A_Ultimaker457

  1. What you can do is print the supports with PLA, and only the support interfaces with PVA.

    Support interfaces are roofs and bottoms on either side of the support structure touching the print. Printing supports with PLA and support interfaces with PVA will result in small solluble bits between the supports and the model that should remove cleanly.

    Use the small looking glass icon next to custom and type in "interface". Set the "Support Extruder" to Extruder 1, check "Enable support interface" and set the "Support Interface Extruder" to Extruder 2.

    Thank you this is exactly what I was looking for!

  2. Hello, I have an Ultimaker 3. I recently got a hold of some PVA, but seeing as it is so expensive I was starting to think of ways to cut down on the actual usage of PVA filament itself but still keep the nice water soluble idea alive. I have TONS of PLA so that won't be an issue with using one filament and not the other.

    One solution to this is to theoretically print the support material out of regular PLA, then only print the connections between that support and the actual model in PVA. So it kind of looks like PVA is gluing two parts together, to help better visualize it. Then, when putting the model into water, the support material pops off the part nice and cleanly like it used PVA as support material this whole time.

    Is this even possible to do in Cura? Is it possible to do elsewhere? This can theoretically save lots of PVA filament that I, frankly, do not have the money to splurge on after buying the printer. Thanks in advance.

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