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Posts posted by RS-MIDOPT

  1. Thanks for the help!

    I've re-tightened all the pulleys but the farther most pulley on the right side had loosened itself quite a bit. I tightened it and I've seen a lot more model coherence since then.


  2. Hello Ultimaker Community,

    I use an Ultimaker 2 Extended+ at work and recently, I have been having some issues with model consistency.


    If you can see the attached image, you can see I was trying to make circular shapes of a certain ID and OD. I was able to print 2, each requiring a 12 hour session. after that when I tried to print a third, I was given this:


    Why do you think that the print would unravel in such a way? and what settings can I provide to you all in case you need more information?



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