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Posts posted by elnazAsd

  1. Hi guys

    I create the g-code of one product by different softwares like Cura, slic3r and makerbot. I select the same values for all parameters of manufacturing. Also, as flavor, I choose the makerbot flavor for all but The G-codes which are created are not the same for X-Y and E value. Would you please tell me why we have this problem?

    Also, How the value of E and F are calculated in g-code?

    Thanks in advance


  2. I execute cura in matlab to find the time and material for my product, but the results obtained for material in cura are different with makerbot . G-code file is used to find the results. Time values are the same but material amount is different. would you please tell me where does this difference come from?

    All of the parameters is defined in code due to makerbot default values.

    Thanks in advance



  3. Hi Guys,

    I use command line for executing Cura 2.5 in Matlab. I want to change layer height, part orientation and filling angle and providing different G-code.

    I start to generate different json file for different layer height but I dont know how i must change the orientation? would you please tell me how I can do it?

    commandline=[str ' slice' ' -j ' definition ' -s mesh_rotation_matrix="[[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]" ' ' -l ' stl ' -o ' stroutput '.gcode'];

    str is CuraEngine.exe file and deffinition is innovo_inventor' num2str(j) '.json which is generated for different layer height.

    Thanks in advance


  4. Hi Guys,

    I use command line for executing Cura 2.5 in Matlab. I want to change layer height, part orientation and filling angle and providing different G-code.

    I start to generate different json file for different layer height but I dont know how i must change the orientation? would you please tell me how I can do it?

    commandline=[str ' slice' ' -j ' definition ' -s mesh_rotation_matrix="[[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]" ' ' -l ' stl ' -o ' stroutput '.gcode'];

    str is CuraEngine.exe file and deffinition is innovo_inventor' num2str(j) '.json which is generated for different layer height.

    Thanks in advance


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