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Posts posted by drvertigo

  1. Cura has many useful placeholders/paramaters/tokens one can use in Gcode. An example list is here:


    I am seeking a placeholder that represents "The current position of the Z axis". The corresponding placeholder in Simplify3d is [current_position_z].

    I need for toolchange code. My printer has a z_offset between the nozzles, so when switching to the second nozzle, I wish to ToolChange as follows:

    M206 Z-2.0 ; move the Z origin by 2mm

    G0 Z[current_z_position] ;lower the build plate by 2mm

    M280 P0 S180 ; Lower the second nozzle via a servo motor.

    What is the equivilent of [current_z_position] in cura?

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