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Posts posted by bjacek

  1. I am user of new Ultimaker 3 and Cura 2.5. I decided to buy some objects to print - I want to make the model of Boening Stearman PT-17. The 3D Lab provides STL and GCODE files for Cura 2.3, which does not support Ultimaker 3 printer. Therefore, I cannot import provided settings for older version of Cura to a new one (the error message is – multiextrusion is not supported). I listed/printed the settings file provided with model and I tried to set parameters manually.


    I successfully printed some parts of my Stearman, like seats, radial engine, “screws” etc. Now I started to print fuselage I could not solve the problems myself. I tried many times with diffrent settings/profiles. I can print outer and inner walls (I mean – the walls of the fuselage) with line 0.4 mm, but without internal support beams. I can see the support beams on the screen, but as the result of 3d printing the interior of fuselage is empty!

    What amazes me is that I see support beams, but my slicer/printer can not print them. I tried to solve problem myself, I spent 3 days and I left a lot of fillament. Could you help?




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