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Posts posted by Sean_06

  1. At Cura, I can set up print speed and travel speed. However, I found that the setting of print speed and travel speed is overwritten by the Ultimaker machine. For example, when I input print speed of 15mm/second or 9mm/second or 1mm/second, the outcome 3D printing speed is the same.

    The only way to change the print speed is to select the percentage of print speed at Ultimaker. (eg. 100%, 60%). Therefore, I assume that 60% means 60% of the "default print speed".

    The question is:

    1. what is the default print speed and default travel speed? (I am using cura 2.3 and ultimaker 2, but I couldn't find the default print speed)

    2. Whether the default infill print speed, wall print speed and top/bottom print speed is the same?

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