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Posts posted by searaider2

  1. Okay I have a clearer understanding as to what is happening now. Thanks guys. I am now wondering how complicated it would be for Cura to have some sort of built-in tool that allows you to choose which polygons to add/remove? Obviously this would become very complex, but it would give users the ability to "fix" their models inside of Cura.

    For example: In the first model I used above, the user could remove the polygon jutting out and add a polygon where there is a "hole" in the model.

  2. I am digging through the code in an attempt to try and figure out how Cura detects holes in meshes and how it is able to render holes in the X-Ray view.

    For example: Given a cube with a missing side, Cura is able to detect that one of the sides is missing and render that missing side red. Same with internal walls. How does it do this? Does it simply create red "error triangles" and add them to the mesh? If it can do this, why is there no setting that allows for the added triangles to be added permanently to the model being sliced.


    Note: ignore the random side jutting out.





    Without any mesh fixes turned on...

    Layers view:



    With all of mesh fix settings turned on.. Keep disconnected faces triggers layers being added:



    The "Keep disconnected faces" sort of seems to be doing this.. However.. If I add an arbitrary side that juts out on an angle, it will attempt to close off the volume by connecting the side jutting out as well.

    Without the side jutting out, keep disconnected faces does a good job of closing off the volume, I am just curious as to how/where this is happening in the code to allow for the X-Ray view to render holes as red faces (triangles must be getting added somewhere).





  3. Hello all.

    So I am loading a .OBJ file into cura. The object is very small, so I am forced to uniformly upscale. When I do so, the object's layers are being created correctly at certain scale values, but at others (most) the layers seem to be arbitrarily disappearing.

    Scaling up to 20... Works.


    Scaling up to 50... Doesn't work.


    Scaling up to 50... With a slight rotation.. Seems to kind of work all the sudden?


    Any thoughts as to why this may be happening?




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