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Posts posted by lormar98

  1. Hi,

    I'm working with Cura (2.6.1) under Windows. I have created a custom machine profile and some material/quality profiles.

    Slicing with the Cura GUI is going well.

    Now i want to automate things, i.e. i want to use CuraEngine to slice my STL files into gcode.

    To do this i would have to use many "-s" commandline options to specify the non-default slicer options (a look into cura.log reveals that it is calling CuraEngine with about 330 "-s" options, for example).

    Now the question is:

    Is it possible to use the Cura(-GUI) generated profiles (.cfg files) instead of listing them one by one on the CuraEngine command line? It seems that there is no commandline option to specify Cura profiles :-(

    Or is there some other way like generating a list of "-s" options from the Cura profiles?

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