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Posts posted by Souless1

  1. Brand new here, this is my first post on the site. Let me start by saying I'm a total noob at both using the slicer software and trying to do 3D prints, so please have patience with me? I've tried getting help on Thingiverse with limited success because people take it for granted that you will understand what they're saying. Here is the issue:

    I'm using the latest version of Cura for my slicer, how do I go about lowering the Z axis? I've done a 9 point level on the bed, all 4 corners, all 4 midpoints, and the center of the bed. The level won't even let a piece of paper slide under it! It's not touching, but it's that close on all points. When I tell the machine to go home, it finds the cover fine and lowers to the level. When I start the print, it finds it's start point, then raises up about 5mm and starts extruding. As a result, it doesn't extrude onto the bed so it gives a distorted shape right off the bat. I don't know how to lower where it thinks it's start point is. Can anyone help me out with this?

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