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Posts posted by alexrosen

  1. Thanks for your advises.

    I already have a speed of 30 mm/sec and the temperature is 200 degrees. I am quiet happy with the result exept for that stringing between the end and the beginning of a layer.

    The extruder should retract at the end of a layer and not at the beginning otherwise the retraction is useless.

    Is there another box to check?

    I could fix that issue by having the same point for the start/end of a layer. In that case no more stringing.

    Any idea how to do that?

  2. Hi everybody,

    I am trying to print thin wall (O.4) to make a model from 3D lab print.

    I managed to solve most of the retraction issue except when there is a layer change.

    "retract at layer change" is selected however it does retract right before starting the new layer and not at the end of the previous layer. I have then some lost filaments between the end of the layer and the next one.

    Is there a way to fix that?

    (I have tried different version of Cura)

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