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Posts posted by antoineD

  1. Little precision regarding my last post : generating a gcode file in 3.0.3 then sending it through old 15.04.2 generates the same results : prints gets stuck in a loop. I guess there is something in the gcode the printer or the USB transmission cannot handle. I'll try updating the firmware and will be back to you...

  2. Hi,

    First of all, thanks for all the great work on Cura, and for making it available for third party printers. I use a Printrbot Metal Plus, and used to pilot it using Cura 15.xxxx. Now, I read about upgrades for Cura, and decided to give it a try.

    The improvements on slicing are great and something I cannot miss!

    However, I was unable to go through a full print using USB. The head simply stops mid-print, and seems stuck in a loop turning repeatedly the fan on and off. I know there are many thread warning against the use of USB to drive your printer, but I never had any problem with the precedent versions of Cura (never tried 2.x though). Generating the gcode with Cura and injecting it with pronterface leads to the same result -> the prints stops early. Rolling back to 15.04.02, i was able to print a test cube without problems. Can you give me clues on what's going on here ? Is there anyway I can avoid the SD card hassle ? Also, I didn't find any preset for printrbot plus, they existed previously, is this possible to get them quite soon (I manually set it, so this is not a critical problem here, but the starting gcode is going hard on the endstops on the initial sequence from printrbot simple)

    Thanks for your advice!

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