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Posts posted by limikael

  1. Thanks for the reply!

    Let me explain the background a little bit, which rules out a couple of possible causes.

    The Ultimaker 2+ that I'm using is in a shared makerspace. In this makerspace there are two identical Ultimaker 2+ printers, I'll refer to them as the left one and the right one.

    The left one works fine. I'm currently printing on it right now and the prints come out as they should.

    The right one is the one that has the problem. It started recently, and models that used to print fine no longer does.

    I'm not sure how many print hours there are, but my guess is "quite a few". Both printers are in almost constant use throughout the day. I don't know how long they have been here, I have only been a member of the makerspace since a month. I can't answer exactly what speed I'm printing at. What I can say is that the same gcode file that prints fine on the left printer fails when printed on the right printer.

    So this suggests, I think, that the problem isn't with the slicing or with settings, but it is actual wear and tear of the printer.

    Will try the suggestion about drilling the teflon part, and if it doesn't work buy a new one.


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