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Posts posted by vascocrocha

  1. I used to print at 0.2 the whole print part and where i needed the part to get more detailed I used to manually change it to the desired value I needed using the support blocker...

    Meanwhile a long time since I needed that again and now... it doesn't exist anymore in Cura 5.3? I do I set different layer heights in different Z areas in the same print?


    The best I can do now is with adaptative layer height? OMG... 


    I attach 2 files trying to show my setup... I am pretty sure I could do that before.... Did it change in some settings placement?



  2. Here is a object that made use of that feature.


    There is a basic shape underneath all those tiles. The tiles are placed on the center of the polygons of that basic shape, the type of tile, orientation, position and scale randomized by a small margin. If I change the shape the tiles will automatically rearrange themselves making changes very simple.


    which software are you using for the texture application? do you have a stl texture to apply over a surface or over a SHAPED STL? or you have a black/white image to generate the texture?

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