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Posts posted by TogaParty



    I took a look at the file. It is a well built model. Turning off "Union Overlapping Volumes" left the internal voids intact.


    Thanks, I'll give it a try when my current print is complete.  In looking at the layer view, that's not working for me, but maybe Cura will get it right when it counts.


    Not sure what could be giving you and issue. This is what you should see. Cura 3.0.4



    Ok, I had the cap in the same print volume, and it appears that causes a problem, at least with layer view, so the Union Overlapping Volume setting seems to do the trick once I remove that piece.

    Thanks for the assist.

  2. I took a look at the file. It is a well built model. Turning off "Union Overlapping Volumes" left the internal voids intact.


    Thanks, I'll give it a try when my current print is complete. In looking at the layer view, that's not working for me, but maybe Cura will get it right when it counts.

  3. I have a model with internal cavities that I want to keep, but I can't get Cura to print them. Everything looks OK in X-Ray view, but in layer view, and in the resulting print, the internal cavities are missing.

    It looks like in older versions of Cura, this was usually a problem with "Fix Horrible" settings, which are now supposed to be under Mesh Fixes, but I've made all the settings visible and they aren't there.

    Can anyone tell me how to get to the fix horrible settings, or whatever has replaced it in Cura 3?

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