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Posts posted by Handmade

  1. Dear everyone UM,

    We have been printing with the UM3 for about a year now without any big issues.

    This weekend however, something went terribly wrong.

    Somehow, this giant PLA clog formed around the nozzle, eventually pushing out the front fan cover (see included pictures).

    Now, we have no real clue on what has happened and what do next?

    We have not used a new routine for printing than we have always used and never had anything similar.

    What I suspect is that the fan cover might have opened up during printing (one of the magnets did come loose before), forming this bucket for the print material to clog.

    Only, I have no idea what caused the front cover to open. Anyone any suggestions?

    I have dismantled the print head and now just have the big clunk of PLA stuck to the print cores.

    Any idea if it is even doable to remove the material and any tips on how to remove it?

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    Kind regards,







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