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Posts posted by BobSaget

  1. Sorry if this is and old issue but numerous searches have not found the answer.

    Seems like most people complain about retraction and or Z-hop during infill slowing down the print but I have a delta printer and I really really need Z-hop to happen during travel moves over infill. Sometimes the nozzle drags thru already printed infill lines hard enough to cause a layer shift.

    As near as I can tell, Z-hop only happens during travel with retraction.

    Have not been able to turn on retraction during infill but I don't really need retraction, I just need Z-hop. Z-hop with or without retraction during infill travel would be just fine.

    Z-hop during retraction is working fine but I need it to happen during infill also.

    Have not been able to figure out how to make this happen with version 3.0.4 or 3.1.0

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