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Posts posted by JMQ

  1. Hello,


    I've been using Cura for months with no issues. I was on 3.0.4 and upgraded to 3.1.0 when the pop-up prompted me about a new version. All of the sudden, it freezes and becomes unresponsive when trying to run it. I'm on Windows 7, 64 bit. The splash screen will show up and then it freezes and says "not responding"; I have to manually kill it.


    Uninstalling, then reinstalling does not work. However... If I uninstall with Revo Uninstall (to clean up leftover files), then it will work... once... and then starts freezing again. I've even tried to go back to older versions (2.5 and 2.7) and the same thing happens. I tried to just use Prusa Control instead, but now Prusa Control freezes also! The only slicer program that doesn't freeze for me is Slicer, but slicer gives me crappy results; Cura has always been the best.


    I've even reinstalled Windows 7. That seemed to fix the issue, but then it started up again. This is driving me crazy. I can't work on my project because of this.


    Does any anyone have any ideas? Thanks for any help offered.

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