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Posts posted by amadois

  1. Okay, I understand that point.


    Actually I'm a bit confused about what you say about the leveling process. I learned that I should level the nozzle about the height of a receipt over the heatbed but what you say makes much more sense to me.


    Thanks a lot for your help!

  2. Thanks for your reply.


    Thanks for the hint. As it turns out Cura sets the initial layer height to 0.3mm which produces the error.

    Setting the value to 0.1mm solves the problem.


    Is it correct that selecting the 0.1mm profile sets the initial layer height to 0.3mm?

    To me this looks like a bug. Who would want that?


  3. Hey guys,


    I'm having some trouble with a fresh installation of Cura 3.1. When slicing my model Cura inserts a G0 (move) code and moves the nozzle 0.3mm upwards.

    This causes the filament being painted too high, thus it has no contact with the heatbed.


    When removing the 0.3mm offset everything works fine.


    Does anybody know what's the problem here?


    Thanks in advance



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