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Posts posted by dseebauer

  1. Hi everyone,


    New to the forums here.   Hope this is not too far out of line.   I have tried searching the web as much as possible to solve this and it seems like this is supposed to be an automagic function in Cura but for me it is not working out.


    I am a very new user trying to setup Cura 2.x or 3.x (preferred)  with my printer (SeeMeCNC Rostock Max V2 (stock), however I see no way in which to configure the USB communications.   I have been thru all the settings screens I can find and no joy.   If it matters, I am running on Surface Pro (original).  I can use the printer just fine with MatterControl,  Repetier Host, and even Octoprint (though the latter is not as helpful as I would like) from the Surface and I can see the printer on COM3 (RAMBO) as well.


    I recognize USB printing is not Ultimakers thing, but I see many references to using Cura in this way, even from Ultimaker with regards to 3.1 and jogging over USB.


    Is there some magic I am missing? Some switch to tell it to try the USB Printing plug in.  It does not seem to be running (at least I cannot see anything in the log file to indicate it is)


    Thanks in advance!


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