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Posts posted by Ritchie

  1. Okay straight to where the rubber meets the road,

    I'm using Cura 3.1 on a Windows 10 system (didn't bother updating yet and haven't updated the firmware on the UM3 yet as well so 3.3 won't work anyway).
    Every now and then Cura decides to reset itself completely,

    This is absolutely infuriating, I use an array of 5 different printers for some of which I have to create printer profiles from scratch,
    Can anybody tell me why this is happening? and How to prevent this, I already made a back up of all my material settings, but I can;t find an easy way to create a back up of my printers,
    Even if I would have that, it would still be very annoying having to set up Cura at random points, I can't have that, the software needs to be trustworthy.
    I want to be able to just run it the way it should work, not having to spend half an hour setting everything back up again.

    I hope somebody can help me with this, is this an issue that keeps preservering in later versions too?
    I never had these fidelity issues with Cura before and been very happy with the software, but if this keeps arising or isn;t fixable then I definetely will stop using Cura.

    I'm sorry if this question has been asked and answered before, I tried looking through the forum and there is a similar topic but that regarded material settings as far as I understood, and my problem and frustration lies mostly with having to set up all my different printers again.

    Kind regards,

  2. Hi!

    Recently I bought a Tevo Little Monster after the succes I had with the Tevo Tarantula,
    However I do have a problem with Cura,

    Whenever I prepare a print in Cura 3.1 the print always starts about 5 mm from the buildplate, which is wierd, ( I've tried several printer profiles as well as several firmware flavors, but to no succes)
    I had the same problem in Slic3r but in Slic3r I was able to alter the Z-offset in the printer profile itself and it works,
    The problem being with that is that Slic3r itself is quite limited...

    Cura 3.1 has no such setting to my knowledge, and I already tried to change the starting G-CODE, but to no avail with really counter intuitive results...

    For example this is the normal start G-CODE of a Deltabot profile;
    G28 ;Home
    G1 Z15.0 F6000 ;Move the platform down 15mm
    ;Prime the extruder
    G92 E0
    G1 F200 E3
    G92 E0

    I then altered that to;
    G28 ;Home
    G1 Z15.0 F6000 ;Move the platform down 15mm
    ;Prime the extruder
    G92 E0
    G1 F200 E3
    G92 Z-5.1 E0 (-5.1 referring to the approximate distance it starts too high.)

    What happened was that the printer even started printing higher than it already did, but not by 5.1mm but by something like 20mm even, I then tried to swap it to a positive number, but actually the same happened.
    I really can;t make heads or tails of it,

    LAter I tried the following;
    I changed it to a G1 command, which does work. But then it just moves to its actual 0 position (now Z-5.1) and then when it starts to move to its first coördinate it moves back up 5.1mm again...

    I've also examined the G-CODE files themselves but I can't figure it out,
    Does anybody have the solution to this problem?

    Apex Series - Altair Wing - Semi Analogue Version 3 - Segment 2.gcode

    TLM2_Apex Series - Altair Wing - Semi Analogue Version 3 - Segment 2.gcode

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