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Posts posted by big_ry_ry

  1. I have a Ultimaker 2 Go. It is roughtly 2 years old. I was doing a print the other day and it was a 15 hour print. Started it in the morning at work and left it printing when I left. No issues all day. I came in the next day and someting went bad, it looks like part of the print broke off of th plastic wasn't sticking correcty. Either wy, I had an error code of 07 X or Y axis switch broken. It was diffucult to move in the Y axis. After messing around for a little bit, it freed up and the code went away. I checked the switch and everything appeared ok. 


    For some reason as I try to reprint everything is printing toward the front of the plate in the Y axis and it wull droop a little plastic off the build plate. I am using Cura (I need to update but, waiting for our tech staff with admin rights to get here) 


    I have attached where I centered it in cura and how it is actually printing


    Any help would be great! I am not new to 3d printing, Just new to ultimaker products. These were a replacement for our Makerbot replicator 1st gen. 


    Proto 2.jpg

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