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Posts posted by EDTGprint

  1. Thank you very much Priddy,

    I had already deleted the machine profile and added it again several times.

    But the reset of the Cura Connect data in the printer itself solved the problem! Very helpful!

    @nallath: Thanks as well, but I have no idea how to make a dump, so I'll go back to the manual first. Still have a lot to learn about this machine ;)

    Regards, Tom



  2. Hello to everyone,

    since a few days I own a UM3, so far working fine, but I'm having an problem with the built in camera, or better the software to access it.

    Maybe the fault is the typical f40 (sitting 40cm in front of the computer).

    UM3, firmware, connected to wifi, IP lets say assigned via DHCP.

    If I open in a browser I get a connection to cura connect. But I will not get a live stream from the camera, neither on the print job page nor on the printer page, because as shown on the screenshot cura connect seems to use internal IP127.0.0.1. (localhost?)



    If I click on the camera icon on the print job page the popup for the video opens, but stays black.

    The explore function of the firefox gives the following HTML phrase with the wrong IP as well.

    <img class="video-stream" style="width: 600px; height: 450px;" src="">


    Typing I get a stable video live stream.


    Is this a wrong setup by me or a bug?

    Thanks a lot for any help,




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