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Posts posted by koukimonster91

  1. vBKPSgo.jpg


    im using curaengine in repetier to slice and i get these lines on the sides of multiple prints. You can see it in the picture on the sloped area where the light is reflecting. i have watched it print and the head stops at those locations. they are not layer change marks nor are they, ummm ?row?, changing marks they are basically over extrusion from the head stopping. i found in the g code that the head moves on the x axis .001 mm at that spot. why does it do this? the stl file has a perfectly straight face and it even does it on calibration cubes



    G1 F2700 X14.964 Y132.391 E6771.51457
    G1 X14.963 Y132.337 E6771.51636
    G1 X14.964 Y93.835 E6772.79694
    G1 X14.963 Y93.778 E6772.79884
    G1 X14.964 Y73.328 E6773.47901    


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