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Posts posted by rca3g7

  1. I am having trouble figuring out why my first layer is having issues when the rest of my print is near flawless. My bed is level and I am using ABS plastic (Sunsu brand), build plate temp 110 C, Extruder temp 235 C, Ultimaker Cura V3.2.1 (also happens on V3.0), Anet A8 printer. For some reason, which I hope someone can answer, the first layer (brim, raft, or otherwise) when printing, will force the extruder to travel to the edge of the build plate (heated bed) in either the X-axis direction or the Y-axis direction. Is this a slicer issue, temperature issue, or is there someway to prevent this that anyone knows of?  When this occurs, the extruder will retract material and sometimes string along a little bit of excess towards the edge of the build plate. This results in an an overlap of otherwise unnecessary material being printed over if the nozzle catches the excess, draggs it back to the printed brim or raft area, and prints over it. Also, this can result in blobbs. Can anyone tell me how to prevent the printer from traveling to the edge of the build plate on the first exterior lines of the brim or raft being printed (first layer) and anything else they might notice from the attached photo please and thank you.


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