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Posts posted by Fund1

  1. On 11/3/2018 at 6:52 PM, berndjm said:

    As far as I remember the user (= you) that runs a software which should communicate with usb-ports must belong to the group "dialout" to use the ports.

    Give it a try, just open a terminal  an type in

    sudo adduser xxx dialout

    where "xxx" is your username.

    A little late, but I can confirm that

    "sudo usermod -a -G dialout [your_username]"

    did the trick for me. :D Actually I neater found nor did the trick, it came to me by "accident" as I installed Arduino IDE (for playing with Marlin FW), and it did it all for me.. It was never Cura, just a stupid permission, however there is a way for software to ensure the needed permissions to work, so here we are.. ;) (BTW RepetierHost and Repsnapper now works for me as well)

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