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Posts posted by RickyG

  1. I don't know if this should be a feature request, because it was available in Cura 15.x.x.  But I would love to see the "Show Travels" reflect the movement of the print head when you do the "Pause at Height Post Processing Script"


    The attached image shows the Blue Travel line of the head parking itself during a pause at height, but I see no such travel line in Cura 3.x



    pause at heigt.PNG

  2. I started 3D printing this year and started off with Cura 15.04.6.  This week I switched to Cura 3.4.  WOW! The Octoprint plugin is AMAZING! And the ability to pause at layer (that takes into account my raft works great!)


    I had a couple of questions about it.  First I edited the PauseAtHeight.py and changed some of the defaults to what I would always use.  I put in a zero value for the "Pause After Layer" so it would show up red so that I would be reminded to change that one.  I don't think I changed anything too dramatic other than the names of things and default values.  I'm attaching it so that an expert could look it over. (It works fine for me except with one little weird thing)


    Maybe this should be a request? In the layer view, I'd like to see exactly where the extruder moves in the PauseAtHeight.  In Cura 15.04.6 you could see the blue travel line when it would park.  The first time I tested the PauseAtHeight plugin it seemed to pause AFTER the layer I selected.  Maybe it's designed that way or maybe the 4 layers of my raft are messing it up?  That's the primary reason I changed some of the wording in my AnetA8_PauseAtHeight.py script.  Just to remind me that the pause occurs AFTER my selected layer.


    I setup a simple twisted vase to change the filament after the raft, and 3 times during the print.  My first attempt came out OK, but the layer changes didn't stick very well.  On my second attempt I added a 1 to the "Redo Layers" menu and it looks great!  The one weird thing I noticed was that after the 3rd color change instead of printing at my outside wall speed of 20mm/s it was SCREAMING FAST!  Maybe 50 mm/s (I know that's not fast to some, but it's fast for me)  Then for the 4th color change, I got out my phone to video the fast speed.  Below is the the video 



    I'm also attaching my PauseAtHeight gcode I used to make this test.  I looked in there and didn't see anywhere why it would be printing so fast.  I usually don't do more than one color change.  Usually I just change the filament for words or lettering to POP out more.  The final attachment is a photo of both multi colored vases.  The one on the left you can see where the layers didn't quite stick, but look fine on the right.


    Thanks for a fantastic product!






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