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Posts posted by Raziorx

  1. 2 minutes ago, Nicolinux said:

    @Raziorx You describe several problems at once and some of them might be related to your unique setup. I think the best way to ask for help would be to create a new post per problem and describe it the best you can.


    Thanks for the advice. I'm checking others posts looking forward if these problems already get answered. I'll do that if i don't find. Thanks for the fast answer, anyway it was just to point out what drives me crazy when i use cura, rather to help you, to improve the program for all than to help me. ?

  2. I agree... What happened ?? I mean... Ok there is some improvements indeed in newer versions... Like supports which i like really much. But why delete console command ? Why delete the way i could extrude some filament by hitting one button ? It doesn't make sense. You get a nice monitoring panel and just make it more useless ? what's the point ? I have to run older version of cura simply when i want to see what my printer told me... And now I'm using 3.3.1... Because in 3.4.0 and 3.4.1 prints just doesn't want to start at all ! ( print with usb ). AND in 3.3.1, I can't get my fan running... and i tested many settings. Please, do something about this, because cura could really be a good slicer, without all these kind of problems. Another little thing is, why moving the view became horrible ?? Right click especially... all the time, it open the menu when i want to rotate around my models... It's broken. I apologize for the criticism, i know that creating a program of this type should not be easy far from it, but i sincerely hope that my experience can help you to improve things! ?


    Best regards.

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