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Posts posted by casdcoke5

  1. As I work more with Cura, I see other times there are rendering issues. The menus are not the only time I see a problem.  The area where the model is displayed will sometimes show two different rendering modes after I have changed the rendering style, with perhaps the right 1/3 being the old style.


    I just spent several minutes playing with changing rendering styles.  Switching between Solid and X-ray may take up to a minute, during which Cura is essentially locked up. But, sometimes it is nearly instantaneous.  During the long pause times, at least initially, Cura is completely locked up, though I can use other applications. Often clicking on the Cura window, or a separate application's window, will cause an instantaneous display of the chosen rendering style.  I understand that the layers display requires some additional processing, so the delays are understandable.


    I will also mention that in the past I had tried Cura 2.4, 2.5, 2.7  all with the same issue.  But, now that I understand how to manage it, I think I will continue to use the version 3.4


    But, with a new version changing video rendering engines, then I certainly understand how it would not be worth the effort to investigate this further.


    Thank you for checking into it.  I will look forward to ver 5, and hopefully it will resolve the issue.



  2.  I suspect it is simply some sort of issue with my video drivers, but I have never seen this problem occur with any other program.  When I first obtained my Monoprice printer about a year ago, I tried the latest version of Cura available at that time, but had to abandon using it because of this menu problem.


    My computer is using an  Intel Xeon X5650 CPU

    Video, NVIDIA Qaudro FX 580

    OS, Windows 7 Pro.


    Attached is my cura.log file.  I have also done two screen grabs, which does capture the display issue.  The 1st one shows me choosing EXTENSIONS/CHANGE LOG/SHOW CHANGE LOG.   Note that the "change log" choice does show, but the prior of the cascading menus has gone partially invisible.  It seems to be hidden by the "Prepare" button.  For this situation, it is not a problem.  But, perhaps it offers a clue. 


    Then, the 2nd screen grab is me choosing the view style from the menu on the top right of the display.  This one is a lot harder to deal with.  Both because you have to find a menu item on an invisible menu, and because any time you change the view style, it takes up to a minute on my machine for the change to occur. So, choosing the wrong invisible menu item can be time consuming.  Maybe these will help.


    Thank you for looking into this issue.




    Cura Menu Issue-1.jpg

    Cura Menu Issue-2.jpg

  3. I have the same problem on my Win 7 Pro machine.  It is not always, but occasionally it happens.  They do actually show up for an instant, but then that pull-down menu completely disappears.  And like you, if I can recall where the item I want to select is located, I can sometimes pick it.  But, obviously this can be very difficult if there are more than a couple of items on the menu.



  4. Thank you both for your replies.   I have a Monoprice Select v2.  They provided Cura software preconfigured for a IIIP-i3, and I had that working fine for other prints.  However, I have been trying to change to a more current version of Cura.  So, I have been trying to copy all the settings over to the 3.4.1version.


    I see now why I could not find the infill speed... I was looking under infill.  I have now turned on the display for the Infill Speed.  When software gets more intelligent a does stuff like adjusting the infill speed to 50% of the speed, it can be a challenge to know what it is doing... especially if the setting is hidden.


    Thanks again for getting me to a solution.



  5.  I am having similar issues.  I am on ver. 3.4.1 However, in my case, the fill is actually fairly low at 10%.  Speed is 50 for both shell and fills.  My normal extrusion is set to 105%.  Is there a separate place where I can set the fill %?  I want to try the 200% setting to see if that solves my problem.


    Attached is an image of the problem.

    Fill Problem.jpg

  6.  I am having similar issues.  I am on ver. 3.4.1 However, in my case, the fill is actually fairly low at 10%.  Speed is 50 for both shell and fills.  My normal extrusion is set to 105%.  Is there a separate place where I can set the fill %?  I want to try the 200% setting to see if that solves my problem.


    Attached is an image of the problem.



    Fill Problem.jpg

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