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Posts posted by Gasman2014

  1. Is there any way of defining an area on the build plate as a 'Do not enter' region? I can't find any setting for this, no plugins or even any previous discussion.


    I recently printed a model on a glass bed and was having trouble getting the bed level so I used binder clips at the front and back of the bed and one at the side. I would like to have used more to make it secure.


    I made sure that I positioned my model and brim away from the clips but obviously not enough ...


    The print failed (dramatically) when the printhead crashed into a binder clip and I now have some major rebuilding work to do ?


     I also have a CNC machine and, on this, it is possible to set areas that should not be machined within the software and to avoid clamps/supports etc.


    I wonder if a similar facility would be useful in Cura? I appreciate that there would have to be some sort of height limit on this as you could not easily accommodate a structure more than a few mm tall as there would be a collision with the gantry before the nozzle but a 'keep out' of up to the nozzle height and diameter should be possible to avoid low profile clips. I would be interested in others views on this and if there are any other work arounds? I think I might try a clip free approach with hairspray between the bed and glass next time.

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