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Posts posted by Maxinai

  1. First off thanks for the help!

    The first issue sounds like what i am experiencing, but where can I set the horizontal expansion (In Cura? or in my firmware? I have no idea). I haven't seen any bulging edges in my prints, maybe I just missed them ... but that wouldn't explain why the "poles" are 0.5mm to thick as well. Could it be the same problem as the holes just that this time the PLA of the walls flows outwards? Drilling out my holes works most of the time the problem was that recently i made a lot of "interior tubes" (f.e. i made a ball screw and nut) and interconnecting parts where drilling out just wasn't an option.

    Again thanks for the quick response will try the horizontal expansion thing as soon as possible!

  2. Hi Ultimaker Community,

    I have a problem with my 3D prints and I need your help to fix it.


    The problem is that my prints are too big but only in X and Y axis. Its not proportional ... a 30mm cube will be 30.5 x 30.5 x 30mm when printed and a 50mm cube will be 50.5 x 50.5 x 50mm when printed. Until recently I just thought my printer was inaccurate and I made things fit by trial and error but this error is too "regular" / "reconstructable" to come from inaccuracy (...I think). I designed a test piece (unable to take&show pictures right now but will do later) that had circular as well as rectangular extrusions and holes of multiple sizes. All holes (circular and rectangular) were 0.5mm to small and all extrusions (circular and rectangular) 0.5mm to big. I don't know what is the cause of this problem (in truth, I don't even know if it has to do with Cura or if it is just my printer).


    If some of you have any idea what is causing this or how to fix / circumvent this please tell me!




    Printer: Anet A8 (Yes... I know... shame on me for being that cheap ?)

    Nozzle: 0.4mm (but I have 0.2, 0.3 and 0.5mm nozzles if that is of importance)

    Filament: cheap PLA (most of the time)

    Print-temperature: 205°C (extruder) + 60°C (bed) (I found 205°C to work better for me than the standard 190°C (f.e. layer adhesion))

    (rest of Cura Settings in the picture)


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