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Everything posted by AmateurCatArmaments

  1. Greetings all, I bought a 3D printer last week on impulse because it's been something I've been wanting to do for years. My coworker has the same printer as the one I got (Monoprice Delta Mini Select V2), and he isn't as technical, and so as I set things up and researched them I documented my steps and took pictures in order to help him out. I ended up turning what I did into blog format since it's the easiest way to organize it all. I figure it might be useful if others were new or had suggestions on other things I could research and try. So far I've set up the printer, hooked up my old Rpi w/ OctoPrint, got a webcam to explore OctoLapse / YouTube Live, and printed a handful of objects. I'm painting my first set of things, and I am excited to learn more and become part of the 3D printing communities. ? I'm not sure the best place to post things like this, but as I went along setting things up there were definitely instructions that were outdated or maybe weren't as detailed as a novice like myself would required. I also include many cat pictures, because I love cats. ? My blog is https://catgeek.blog and I would love to get some feedback. I have a lot of content that outlines everything I did over the span of the first 6 days with the printer. Most of my new posts are going to focus on more fun things like the projects I'm working on. Anyway, I would love some feedback and suggestions on where else I could share, I would hope to encourage people to jump into 3D printing like myself and leverage what I learned to have a more streamlined experience.
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