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Posts posted by ecu3dprinting

  1. I knew there was something I forgot to mention...I don't believe moisture is the issue. We keep the nylon stored in vapor barrier bags with desiccant. When extruded, the nylon doesn't show any of the tell tale signs of moisture, e.g., bubbles, popping noise, wisps of smoke/water vapor, etc. While we are located in the muggy North Carolina, we are in an academic library whose HVAC/climate control is outstanding due to the nature of our collections.


    In this case, I'm more inclined to think that the filament itself sucks, or we need to do a better job of adjusting the filament profile.

  2. We have been attempting to print a flu virus using 3D Universe's nylon filament and using PVA as support material. After about 8-12 hours of printing (of a 36 hour print) we have issues with the nylon filament grinding causing a failed print. We were able to print the same model successfully in 3D Universe's PETG with the PVA support. We have attempted multiple times and tried adjusting the tension on the back of the Ultimaker3+ but keep resulting in the same issue. We also have to clear the print core with hot/cold pulls after each attempt with nylon. It is unclear if the grinding is causing the clogged nozzle, or a clogged nozzle is causing the grinding.


    We sliced the model in Cura 3.4.1, and did not make any modification to the recommended settings for nylon. The .gcode and pictures are attached for your viewing pleasure. We haven't been able to locate any discussion of this issue with nylon on the forums yet. Any ideas on how to tweak the settings would be greatly appreciated!


    Thank you for your help!


    ECU 3D Print Studio





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