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  • 3D printer
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  1. thank you for your help. I opened up the box and moved the cables apart, changed the USB cable as well. and I am about 3 hours into a 12 hour print. looks good so far will let you know if it has been a success from here. thank you again craig
  2. hi all I am a newbie to cura having used some other packages before. I am using cura 3.5 and before that he 15.02 etc Im printing an R2D2 for my daughter and as you can imagine some of the parts are quite bit so it is really annoying and a big waste of filament if part way through the print a command or other gets the printer to unload the filament entirely. it has happened to me before on another print when three times in a row it got to the same point and retracted it all. to fix that I changed the settings a little (so that it was printing support) and it didn't happen again. I just happened to be standing next to my printer a couple of minutes ago and it did it again. interestingly once it had stopped unloading it immediately started to load it again and has been printing fine since so I assume it is something do not being relative positioning or something? any thoughts? should I try to find the problem in the Gcode and delete that line. HELP LOL craig
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