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Posts posted by vfrdirk

  1. Thanks. I'm attaching the Cura and Stderr logs which seem to be most relevant. In both logs, the following error is caught:


    2018-11-19 08:18:15,653 - CRITICAL - [MainThread] cura.CrashHandler.__init__ [65]: An uncaught error has occurred!
    2018-11-19 08:18:15,655 - CRITICAL - [MainThread] cura.CrashHandler.__init__ [68]: TypeError: unable to convert a Python 'str' object to a C++ 'double' instance


    Please advise if these aren't the right logfiles. I just tested adding my Ender-3 from the list and that was uneventful.



  2. I am attempting to use one of the new built-in printer profiles in Cura for my MP Mini Delta. It wasn't in the list previously but seems to have been added around 3.5 or so. When I go to add  it from the list of Other printers. Cura packs up and crashes to desktop. (Win 10) I didn't test this under 3.5.0, but it happened in 3.5.1 and 3.6. My manually created profile is working, but I was hoping to test out the provided profile.


    Any tips or tests I can try? Thanks,



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