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Posts posted by DavidSL448

  1. Hello! First time posting here. I've used Cura ever since I got my printer, and I've never looked back :)


    I'm having an issue, and I'm not sure how to fix it. The first layers of my solids are being sliced in a way that I get an "elephant foot". Note that I don't mean I'm getting an elephan foot in my actual print, I know how that can be fixed with some tinkering; I mean the first layer in the slicer is made wider. I'm attaching a picture of a sliced solid to show what I mean. A wall that should be vertical from bottom to top is wider in the first layer.


    Is this expected behavior? If it is, is there a way to disable it? I made sure that the first layer height is the same as the rest of the print, and that the first layer thickness is 100%.

    Any help is appreciated!



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