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Posts posted by AthP2121

  1. Recently I have been trying to print a carabina (buckle) model that I have found online. The model comes in two pieces so I decided to print one at a time and then swap the filament colour halfway through. When I laid everything out and then added the M600 command through the post-processing bar, it said that it had sliced the model. After I saved the GCode file to my desktop, I decided to check through it just to make sure it had the M600 in the right spot. When doing this I saw that it only went up to 56 layers (instead of the proposed 108 layers). I dragged the GCode back into Cura to see if it could pick up the problem and then it showed me that the models were being printed at the same time. I have tried re-slicing, restarting, and re-installing Cura but nothing has worked. What is going on?



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