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Posts posted by Roger4824

  1. This is just what I need to know also. I have set my bed size, ticked origin at centre, (except I still cant get a print to start at the centre.

    Gcode flavor is set to Marlin, not sure if that is right.

    It seems by default to have some g-code start and end code but not sure how it got there or whether it is right .

    The extruder nozzle settings look right but I dont know what the nozzle offset should be, currently 0

    If anyone could advise me of any other default setting that are appropriate I would much appreciate it.





  2. I am having print failures after a promising start.

    Can anyone help me sort out the settings I need to use my Ender2 from  Cura?

    At the moment I am selecting the Prusa 13 as my printer and setting the bed to 150x150x200 to suit my Ender 2.

    I dont know what gcode flavor I should be choosing and despite my best efforts I dont seem to be able to get the print to start in the middle of bed.

    My last few attempts resulted in a hot blob of PLA on the bed before I aborted the print.

    Any suggestions would be most welcome

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