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Posts posted by Varnic

  1. Hey John,


    This is not an Ultimaker, its a Snapmaker. It does seem to be mis-aligning the infill, even though it slices correctly in Cura and prints other objects fine. I've gone through and made sure that everything was tightened and secured properly. I've tried using Cura 3.5, 3.6, 4.0, and Master.


    Edit: I'm printing with regular black PLA from Solutech:



    I've messed with a ton of settings trying to get it to work, but here is the last configuration I tried (which gave the "best" overall result, except for the infill gap):








    Here is a different component to the model which I printed with Simplify3D, no infill gap:



    And here is an ironing test of another part I printed using Cura 4.0, no infill gap:



    Any addition insight would be greatly appreciated.


  2. Hello all,


    I'm at my wits end with this. I've messed with all the settings I can think of, but no matter what I do, there is a small part of the infill that doesn't reach the shell of the print (even with 100% infill overlap). Cura slices it perfectly fine, and it looks correct in the layer view. The gap between the infill and the shell doesn't show up until it actually prints....


    - Nozzle: 0.4 mm

    - Line width: 0.4 mm

    - All settings that fill tiny gaps, print thin walls, etc are enabled.

    - Model has even values for dimensions.


    Here is the layer view, showing no gaps between infill and shell:



    Despite that, here is what prints out:




    There a clear, sizable gap between the infill and the shell in ONE specific area. Everywhere else, it connects beautifully. I've attached the model, if you'd like to slice it yourself. Please save my sanity! help!



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