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Posts posted by 1295

  1. Hi, ultimaker team and members. 

    Is it possible to have the leap frog bolt pro added to the list of supported 3rd party printers? 

    At the moment I have an Ultimaker 3 which runs very well with Cura. After including a leap frog bolt pro to my fleet of printers I have noticed that simplify 3D has very limited options to control how the print is done. 

    For example, the support structures, it struggles to produce complex support or organic objects. More over setting like acceleration and print temp control and first layer perimeters are very important and is not possible with simplify 3D. 


    On the other hand, Is it possible to add this machine as a custom printer. I understand that most printers run using firmware, some is unique to each printer. How would I go about programming cura to run the printer this way? Its clearly something I have never done before.....  


    If any one can help I would be hugely great full!    

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