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Posts posted by Bracco

  1. i assume you have an idex printer, right?


    1) if you mean bypassing the movements to the print and directly go to the movements to reach the prime tower, this plugin is for that exactly


    2) if i understand correctly, use this plugin and  check the remove layer star x/y, then enable skirt or brim for your print, as there is a limitation in cura which will make it not prime the first extruder on the first layer unless skirt or brim is enabled


    3) ooze shield should not be needed


    nozzle wiping won't work, eventually it will just pick up stuff rather than depositing it, prime tower is the only way

  2. hi, i took a quick look at the gcode, here are my considerations:


    • looks like you're using marlin. default mode for marlin idex is full control, but you selected "auto park" in my plugin. you sure that is right?
    • when you say it works for the first few changes then stops, you mean that the movement behaviour of the toolheads changes or that you simply start to get blobs?
    • i see you're using z-hop and a crazy amount of retraction (10mm) are you sure you need that much? (edit: in the settings i see 5mm but the gcode retracts 10...)
    • it seems like you're using some other kind of custom g-code or plugin that does not work really well, see this line M106 P1 S[fan_speed_pwm]. that is indeed a placeholder for the fanspeed that did not get correctly replaced. dunno if that may or may not upset the firmware
  3. hey, it's strange because the script just looks for toolchanges and makes some modifications of the g-code around that, so if it works for the first few it makes no sense because after the first, every toolchange should be the same.


    anyway if you can post the gcode i can take a look

  4. Hi everybody,

    i hope this is the most appropriate place to post this, anyway:


    if you own an IDEX (independent dual extruder, or dual x) printer you'll know that Cura does not officially have support for that, and while it still works, the produced gcode nullifies every advantage you have with such a printer.


    so, enter my little postprocessing script. it just refactors the gcode around the toolchange command to suit IDEX printers better. it makes a whole world of difference. Options are pretty self explanatory i think.


    find it here https://github.com/Braccoz/IdexFixes

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