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Posts posted by FredGenius

  1. I want to express my dislike of the V4.0 UI. What was wrong with having the settings panel pinned to the rh side of the frame? Now it partially obscures my view of the bed area (unless I pan across, but then I'm not looking at the object on the bed), and because of the new tab bar I can see fewer settings. And there's too much empty space! 


    What if there was a 'simple' ui, and a 'pro'ui?


    Also, would be nice of the z view (top down view of the bed) was orthographic, that's way more useful than perspective when positioning things on the bed.


    Another thing that could be improved, an 'Update Profile' button on the settings panel, currently I have to either scroll down to the very bottom of the profiles list which is tricky cos you have to keep the mouse over the tiny 'down' arrow for a long time (I have a LOT of profiles) , or click the 'star' button and wait for the profile manager to open.


    And would be nice to have profiles in a hierarchical tree, I have too many for a simple list.


    I've been using Cura for over two years now, and it's still the best slicer imho. Hopefully, my input will help make it even better.

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