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Posts posted by bgm

  1. Hello!

    I have a problem with extrusion.

    Everytime before the printhead starts extruding filament for a new layer, the used printhead extrudes extra filament. You see the extra filament in the photos.


    First I tried to change the retraction and the temperature (less) but I gues it's not the problem, because the print result of the actual part isn't that bad.

    Than I tried it with an ooze shield, but the extrusion didn't stop with the ooze shield, so it's useless.

    I also tried to print the part with the slicer software simplify3d, but the result is also really bad (see picture).


    This is my setup:

    Ultimaker S5

    Printcore AA 0.4 Tough PLA (from Ultimaker), 

    Printcore BB 0.4 Brakeaway (from Ultimaker)

    Printing temperature: 225°C

    Print Speed: 70 mm/s


    Do you have any ideas or tips for a successful print? 


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