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  1. Thanks so much! I figured the difference in speed was the issue, since it is so extreme (an unnecessary). I'm just playing around with settings for different materials and discovered this unexpected behavior along the way. Happy to hear it'll be patched eventually. Thanks again
  2. Attached! Of course, turning off bridge settings gets rid of this problem. Pegboard_Plier_Holder_Double.3mf
  3. Hey folks, I'm looking for help with the issue shown here: My bridge settings are to slow down massively, to the minimum print speed, while printing bridges. But this appears to lead to massive squirts of plastic on my prints. What you see above in the sliced view is a good representative of what the printer really does -- it squirts a jet of plastic when it reaches those gigantic polygons, which are basically extrusions with a line width of, I don't know, several millimeters. Am I just doing the settings totally wrong? Should I not slow down the print so much for bridges? I do find it helps a lot in other prints, but perhaps the difference between normal and slow speeds in this case is just too much.
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