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Posts posted by Eldin

  1. Hi,


    I have a bit of a weird problem. I'm printing loads of the same container, and this went pretty well (for details on settings see below). However yesterday, suddenly the first layer started to get messed up. So I trief what I usually do, rigourously cleaning the build plate and nozzle, level/calibrate the buildplate and apply a thin layer of glue, again, first layer messed up, however, it;s only the left backside of the printer that messe up. The first layer on other parts of the buildplate are fine. Also see enclosed photo's. Just to be sure I printed the same model about 5 times without any trouble before.


    So I went through a cycle of cleaning and leveling the buildplate about 5 times but with the same result every time. Now I;m avoiding the left side of the printbed but that is not a viable solution. Also while printing on the other side I get more bleeds of fillament during travel. I'm at a loss what I should try. Any hints?


    Attachments shows the first layer after removing it fronm the print bed. left-under side was neer the front, right top side was near the left back.




    Printer: Ultimaker 2+

    Nozzle: 0.4 mm

    Layer height 0.2 mm



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